Sunday, 25 August 2013

2013-2014 School Year Start-up in the ECC

A new year in the Elementary Connected Classrooms (ECC) is about to begin! Tomorrow marks the official start of the preparation as the ECC team will meet for our back to school planning day. We take one day the week before school starts each year to collaborate and plan together. It's a great way to get motivated, get organized and come up with a fantastic start to the year for all the ECC students about to begin!

This year we have expanded from three to four school sites connecting each day. Cache Creek Elementary is now on board! Also, we have a new teacher taking over at Lytton Elementary. Both teachers are used to stepping outside their comfort zones to make learning exciting and relevant for their students, both enjoy working collaboratively, and both are experienced using technology to enhance the learning environment too. It's exciting to be working with them this year!

One of the new laptops all ready for back to school!

Another change this year is that each ECC student and teacher will be working on a brand, new laptop this year. Every computer in the entire district was replaced this summer as part of School District #74's ambitious technology plans that are moving our district along for the purpose of staying current for our students. I'm sure the students will be thrilled to be working on new machines - I know I am!

One thing I'm looking forward to is deciding how to grow the ECC this year to fit this group of students, their families, and all the communities we live in. I also seem to be full of questions right now. Aside from one additional site, what will we do differently in the ECC this year? What will we change? How can we improve? How can we grow as a learning community this year?

I have many questions heading into the collaboration meeting tomorrow and my head, at this point, feels very open and enthusiastic. I'm sure the back to school panic will set in later this week, but for now I'll enjoy the hope and possibilities to come!